see you in your dreams
by MonochromaticNightmares came for Princess Twilight Sparkle long after Discord had been defeated, waking her with a start and a gasp for air, having dreamt she was once more displaced in time.
Breathe, she thought after one such nightmare, her face in her hooves evidence that her dream had been just that—a dream.
She wasn’t displaced anymore. She was not trapped in a library. Discord had been defeated for over ten years now, and the peace reigning over Equestria was real.
Everything was fine.
And yet… Ugh.
When her forehooves left her face, her gaze drifted towards the unicorn on the other side of the bed, her back turned to Twilight. Rarity usually slept on her side, facing away, and though this had never bothered Twilight before, she found it sort of did now, wishing she could see the comforting sight of her wife’s face, hidden behind—she allowed herself a smile—a crooked sleeping mask.
No, Twilight, she thought, she barely slept this week.
She wasn’t about to wake her for something as silly as a little nightmare. After a brief nuzzle, having caved into engaging in some sort of affection, Twilight slipped out of bed and left their room to get a little fresh air and clear her thoughts.
As quietly as she could, she made her way through the hallway, taking a quick moment to peek into the smaller bedroom next to hers, content to see two little bundles snoring away inside opposite twin beds.
She stayed there a minute, happy to just watch, and then finally stepped away, closing the door behind her. She continued her trek through her home, past the kitchen, and into the living room, and then carefully and quietly opened the glass double doors leading out into the balcony.
A sleepy Ponyville stretched out before her, a few lights dotting the moonlit horizon here and there. Long ago, when talks of expanding Carousel Boutique into a library-boutique were just that—talks—she’d been afraid that such a thing would change the town. Not the boutique itself, really, but her. That she would change it, that this place she loved and wanted to keep as it always had been would transform to accommodate her in ways she did not want because she was a princess—and not just a princess, but the princess of legend.
But now, watching it over, she was relieved that Ponyville had not changed in the past decade. It had grown, sure, as all towns do, and changed in ways that were expected, but it still felt like a town. It was still normal, like the places she’d fantasized about in her library when she allowed herself to pretend she would get out one day. Ponyville had not expected her to change. Instead, they had welcomed her to be like them.
She sat down on her haunches and closed her eyes, breathing in and out, enjoying the breeze against her cheeks.
After what must have been about five or so minutes, she was surprised to feel something small press against her haunches, and she looked down to find a sleepy little filly leaning against her.
There, in the dark, the unicorn filly looked so much like Twilight, with her pale mulberry coat and indigo-sapphire mane, that it was almost startling.
“Mama,” she said between yawns, “why are you awake?”
“Lavender,” Twilight said, frowning slightly. “I should be the one asking that. What are you doing awake?”
Before Lavender could answer, a second small lump pressed itself against Twilight’s other haunch, and she turned around to find her other twin daughter, distinguished only by the ponytail she wore.
“Nightmares again, Mama?” Amethyst asked, tugging at her mother’s wing, pulling it down, and wearing it like a makeshift blanket. “It’s cold.”
Twilight laughed softly, extending her wings and covering her daughters. “Of course, it’s cold. It’s three in the morning,” she pointed out. “You two should be in bed where it’s warm.”
“You’re warm,” Amethyst shot back, nuzzling her mother’s sides with another sleepy yawn.
“Mama…” Lavender continued, pressing a hoof against Twilight’s side, “did you really have a nightmare again?”
Twilight hesitated. The last thing she wanted was to worry her girls, but… nightmares were things everypony had. They had them, too, and if she wanted them to feel comfortable sharing them with her, she should extend the same trust, too.
“Yes,” she said, carefully. “But Mama’s okay now. She just needed to think.”
“What was it about?” Amethyst asked.
“It—” A lump formed in her throat, but she pushed through. “About when I was stuck in the library before Mommy found me.”
Even though she thought she sounded fine, she’d come to learn her daughters took after Rarity when it came to emotions, because no sooner had she finished her sentence, than Lavender wrapped her small forelegs tightly around her—or as much around her as she could, anyway.
“Lavender… Sweetheart, I’m okay.”
“Mama.” Lavender looked up at her, wide-eyed. “You can’t get stuck in the library again, can you?”
Twilight froze.
“What?” she asked, startled when now Amethyst spoke.
“You can’t, can you, Mama?” she asked.
“…Girls. Of course not, no.” Twilight lay on the floor, the twins immediately cuddling against her barrel, safe under her wings. “Is this—” She swallowed. “Is this something you’re afraid of?”
“Yes,” said Lavender, just as Amethyst replied, “Nu-uh!”
“What?” Lavender exclaimed, looking at her sister. “Yuh-huh! You told me!”
“Not so you’d tell!” Amethyst shot back, upset.
“Girls,” Twilight interrupted, and when both fillies looked at her, she continued gently, “I can’t ever be trapped there again. I promise.”
“But what if you are?” Amethyst asked.
Twilight shook her head. “I won’t… but…”
Lavender’s eyes grew wide. “But?”
“But even if I did,” Twilight continued, leaning in and affecting a conspiratorial tone, “even if I somehow got trapped again, I wouldn’t be there very long. Do you know why?”
It was Amethyst who ventured a guess, giggling enthusiastically.
“‘Cause Mommy would come rescue you again?”
“Exactly,” Twilight said with a grin, knowing it was not a lie. “Because if I ever got trapped again, Mommy wouldn’t let me stay there. She’d be so angry.” When her daughters’ giggling intensified, she lowered her voice and continued, “Soooo angry. You don’t even know.”
“Even angrier than when you broke her sewing machine?” Lavender asked, the giggling getting worse when Twilight frowned.
“I was trying to improve it!” she protested.
“Mama! Smoke was comin’ out of it!” Amethyst exclaimed, her laughter doubling when Twilight rolled her eyes.
“Well, anyway,” said Twilight, muffling her daughters with her wing, “she’d be just as mad as when I improved her sewing machine, yes.” When the laughter died down and the two fillies settled against her again, she promised, “But that won’t ever even happen, okay?”
“Okay,” two fillies replied.
“Now, come on.” Twilight gestured them up. “Back to bed. I’ll be there in a minute to tuck you in.”
“Awww,” Lavender whined.
“Can’t we stay five more minutes?” Amethyst continued.
Twilight frowned, playful. “I don’t know, girls. It’s late.”
Twilight knew she should stay strong. She knew they needed sleep, and proper sleep at that, in a bed, but… the stars were out, the breeze was nice, and long ago, the thought of such a scene seemed so impossible to her, so unattainable and distant, that…
Well, why shouldn’t she indulge?
“All right,” she conceded, grinning at their cheers. “Five more minutes.”
She watched as they cuddled against her and each other, and once they were settled, she covered them with her wings, keeping two of the three most important things in her life safe.
It didn’t take them long to fall asleep, as she’d expected, but rather than take them to their rooms, she settled down as well, lying her head on the floor and closing her eyes just so she could take it in. Hear the sound of Ponyville sleeping, of her daughters’ quiet snoring, of her own steady breathing, and feel… Feel the wind brush against her coat, against her wings, feel the warmth of her daughters pressed against her, and—
And, with a slight start that quickly melted into a smile, feel a blanket fall upon her.
“Well, well, well,” said the third most important thing in Twilight’s life, “having illicit slumber parties at ungodly hours, are we now?”
“Mmm,” Twilight murmured, relishing the sensation of her wife nuzzling her. “Hey.”
“Hey, indeed,” Rarity replied, walking around Twilight to look at their daughters, her eyes sparkling with affection at the sight of them tucked under Twilight’s wings. “Did you find them out here?”
“…No,” Twilight replied, quietly, avoiding Rarity’s gaze. “They found me.”
Rarity’s expression softened. “Ah… Another nightmare?”
“Come.” Rarity stepped forward, nudging one of Twilight’s wings with her hoof. “Make some space.”
Twilight did as her wife asked, lifting her wing and watching as Rarity gently scooched Lavender to the side and took her place, then wrapped her tail around the filly. It wasn’t until her two girls were settled that Twilight lowered her wing over them, a silly grin spreading on her lips when Rarity nuzzled her almost immediately.
“It was about the library,” Twilight whispered, finding she wanted Rarity’s comfort. “That I was displaced in time again. I—” Her ears lowered. “Did you know the girls are afraid of me getting trapped again? Because I didn’t, and apparently they’ve talked about it before.”
“Ah. Who told you? Lavender?” Rarity asked. “I found her crying about it in the middle of the night last week.”
“You did?” Twilight gasped in a whisper. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“She asked me not to. She didn’t want to worry you.”
“I’m her mother,” Twilight blurted out. “It’s my job to be worried about her!”
“Darling…” Rarity met her gaze. “She asked me not to tell. I wasn’t going to betray her trust when she’s just worried about you. They both are, and you know how they get when Seeking Night is around the corner. It’s not exactly easy for them to learn in history class how their mother was imprisoned for millennia.”
“I thought they liked Seeking Night better now,” Twilight protested.
She still remembered the Seeking Nights spent with two fillies clinging to her back legs, afraid the Spirit might come back for her. She thought they understood it was over, now that they were older, but…
“They do, Twilight. But they’re allowed to be afraid sometimes. It’s perfectly normal,” Rarity said, stern. “It even happens to me. I can’t tell you how many times the reason you’ve woken up to me clinging to you was because I woke up in the middle of the night to make sure you were physical.”
“What? Rarity, that’s awful!” She lay her head down on the floor, groaning. “Ughhhhh!”
“Twilight, stop that. Stop.” She nuzzled her wife’s head, which did little else but elicit more groaning. “Sweetheart, I’m saying all this so you’ll give yourself and us some grace, not so you—” She gestured at her pouting wife. “This.”
Rarity frowned. “No. No ‘but’s. We’re in this together, like we’ve always been, even if sometimes that means you have to let me be the one who worries over the kids. Besides.” She raised an eyebrow. “Who do you think told them they should talk about it with you?”
“I just—” Her eyes drifted towards Lavender, her face poking from behind Rarity, and her tail shifted around Amethyst, wrapping her tight. “They shouldn’t have to worry about that.”
“But they will,” Rarity replied. “They will, and they would regardless of anything we do except for lying to them, which you and I agreed we’d never do.”
“What if I am lying?” Twilight whispered, and suddenly, she didn’t feel very much like a strong princess, wife, and mother of two. Suddenly, she felt very much like a lost little unicorn with wings she didn’t earn, waiting alone inside an empty, forgotten library. “I mean, I know I’m not. There’s nothing Discord can do to hurt us, but—but what if.”
“Twilight, you know I loathe playing what-ifs when it comes to that,” said Rarity, before quietly clearing her throat and continuing with aplomb, “but even if that were to happen, even if it somehow could, you’d be back home and safe before the girls even realized something went wrong.”
“Oh?” Twilight allowed herself a smile. “Really?”
“Why?” she asked, still as smitten as she was the day a silly unicorn confessed her love to her after trying to protect her from chaos magic. “Because you’ll rescue me again?”
How her heart thundered at the sight of her wife’s radiant grin.
“Precisely,” Rarity said. “Right after I find Discord and murder him.”
“Murder him.”
“With my bare hooves, Twilight Sparkle. And then I would go off and do what’s needed to get you home in time for the girls’ bedtime story.”
It felt good to laugh, Twilight thought, and it felt even better to kiss Rarity, her silly nightmare now a distant concern.
“What is it?” Rarity asked when they pulled apart, her cheeks ever so flushed under Twilight’s intent stare.
“You would do it, wouldn’t you? You would actually do it all over again to rescue me,” Twilight said, a little awed. “Even if it was dangerous, even if—I don’t know, we’re old now—”
“Speak for yourself!”
Twilight giggled, rolling her eyes and finishing, “But you would. You’d actually do it.”
“I would,” Rarity replied. “I would be furious the entire time, but I would go through hell again if I had to. For them? For us?” She fluttered her eyelashes. “For you? Well, my stance has hardly changed.”
“‘For you’,” Twilight quoted, leaning her head against Rarity’s, their daughters sleeping soundly beside them, “‘For you, a thousand times over.’”
i’m not really much for next gens, or think they’re strictly necessary, but TELverse is the exception because the idea of TEL!Twilight–who lived for a thousand years thinking she deserved nothing–having a family kills me. she thought she deserved to be alone forever, and to have her own family to protect? who she loves and who love her back? that shit is what DRIVES me, man
anyway lav and amy were originally from my parent trap au, and now they’re my de-facto next gens, and I WOULD die for them
I really hope the story doesn’t end with Discord being defeated, after all he’s not the bad guy here.
If Discord is defeated, e.g. by sealing him in stone like in the series, then that would be a bad end to the story.
In “The Enchanted Library” we learned that the four princesses tried to deceive Discord and banish him, fearing he might become evil.
Discord found out about this and got there first, punishing the princesses for their betrayal with banishment.
If Discord were to be defeated, the real villains, the princesses, would win.
That would be like Luna being freed as Nightmare Moon by the Mane 6 in the first episode of the series and then banishing Celestia together.
I don’t know if the beginning of “The Enchanted Carousell” is still canon in the Enchanted Universe, but you showed Discord as he is and I understood that it was Discord who set the events in motion so that Rarity could find Twilight in the first place.
Twilight and Luna just have to learn that they caused their own banishment, through their own actions, through their own mistakes, and that Discord was the victim who was just fighting back.
I don’t know what Celestia and Cadance think, but Cadance has witnessed the current development of the world and has had a lot of time to think, and Celestia should be too wise to be guided by feelings of revenge.
The ideal ending would be for the princesses and Discord to come to an agreement and forgive each other for what happened in the past, just like Celestia and Luna forgave each other and like Discord was forgiven in Season 3 episode 10 (Keep Calm and Flutter On).
I would usually not reply, but I feel like I have to in this case.
Discord is NOT a victim. I really can’t stress that enough, starting with the reason he was even seen as a threat, as seen in the text, is because he purposefully assisted/aided Chrysalis in her practically almost successful takeover of Equestria. Like, I really do need to stress that Discord was and is a villain, and just because Twilight managed to reform him does not mean he did not gleefully enjoy having changelings practically bodysnatch random ponies.
What the princesses did was not right, either, but it wasn’t the result (keeping Discord in check) that was the real issue, but the method.
Additionally, the only real punishment they gave him was just… tell him he couldn’t take over Equestria? He was angry that nopony liked him, and rightfully so considering he, again, had been very happy to participate in a war against Equestria on the enemies side. Like, what they did to him, which was grant him a peace treaty with some conditions, even if it was under dubious methods, does not match up with what he did to them in proportion which is imprison them and use their own demons against them to torture them for millenia. The princesses lied to him and told him he could do what he wanted except wander around, and he was so mad at them he tortured them for millenia.
He is NOT a victim here, and to think the Princesses are villains is a baffling misread of the entire series. Were they misguided? Yes. Should they have done better if they’d had more time to actually think on what they were doing? For sure. But to say they were villains? To basically imply they deserved any of this in any shape or way or form? No. Absolutely not, in any universe.
Everyone in this story is flawed and made mistakes, but I will say it here, if there is a villain in this story, it is not in any way the four princesses.
Well yes, he is not a Victim and the Princesses are no villains too.
But also both Sides have something from both, both Sides have made Errors and somehow I think you can also both sides give some of the Victim Credits.
Discord is largely inspired by Q from Star Trek, which is why the creators wanted John de Lancie as the voice.
Discord is largely what you would call a grey character, not entirely evil and not entirely good either.
Like Q, Discord does what he wants, sometimes he does bad things, sometimes good things, at least after his reformation.
In the show, I saw the reformed Discord as something of a teacher, creating challenges for the Mane 6 to give them challenges to learn from, like the Black Vines in S4E2 where there was this conversation:
Twilight Sparkle: You do realize we could have used that information hours ago?!
Discord: And deprive you of a valuable lesson about being a princess? What kind of friend do you think I am?
I also think that everyone made mistakes, the princesses and Discord.
You know your AU better than I do, so I have to go by the story.
As far as I remember, in TEL it was written that Discord had his own country, separate from Equestria, but that the princesses eventually stopped trusting him and wanted to lock him up with the elements as a precaution, but he was able to prevent it and the whole thing backfired.
I think the reason why Discord and his counterpart Q are like that is that neither sees their counterparts, i.e. Discord the ponies and Q the humans, as equals, but more like ignorant children.
I mean, who knows how old he is, he’s probably many times older than Celestia.
Like Q, Discord is a being who has already achieved everything and no longer has any challenges, so he looks for ways to find entertainment.
He only finds that in being what he is, a god of chaos and disorder. All the things like chocolate rain, singing tea bags or Fluttershy’s rotating house are there to trigger reactions that distract him from the fact that he is really very lonely (we don’t know of any other being like him, apart from his ex-girlfriend in the comics).
The fact that Discord was reformed in the canon series was also only due to Fluttershy, as she was the only one who accepted him as he is and still became a friend.
Since bad habits are hard to break, he kept making mistakes, but in the end he was a good character and was on Equestria’s side in the final battle against the evil three.
I don’t even see the three as really evil.
Cozy is just a child who doesn’t know any better, but is a strong advocate of friendship, even against Chrysalis and Tirek.
She almost managed to convince Tirek in the show, which was only prevented by Chrysalis’ false pride. Discord’s role as Grogar was perhaps an extremely wrong attempt at a new lesson, if he hadn’t simply tried to bring all of Equestria together by giving them an overpowered opponent.
If he had done that as a villain, he could have just appeared as himself instead of disguising himself.
In the enchanted universe, he is the unreformed Discord, i.e. as he was in the canon show when he ruled over Equestria.
Maybe I just want there to be a happy ending for everyone, because I compare Discord to Q, who made peace at the end of Picard Season 3.
That’s why I liked the beginning of Carousell, because it looked like Discord had given the CMC the clues so that Princess Booky aka Twilight could be found in the first place.
After all, the princesses were just a fairy tale until the first hints came that there was more to it. The story had to start somehow and I don’t think anyone will suddenly say I don’t think this is a story, it’s real.
I didn’t want to call the princesses evil, but as I understood it, they were the ones who first thought of an attack, unless Discord did something that triggered it and I just don’t remember.
As far as I know, they were worried or afraid that Discord wouldn’t stick to their agreements and somehow it came about that they had prepared the elements.
In the canon story, the elements were in the possession of Luna and Celestia at the time, Cadance and Twilight weren’t born at the time, so your AU went differently.
I also created an AU, only Fluttershy lived there before Nightmare Moon was banished (MLP: Friendship is Kindness).
I completely agree with you that every character in the story makes mistakes, for example that Twilight was separated from Rarity for 2 years and that is why Rarity had these scars.
My hope and that’s what I meant with my text above, is that there will be a happy ending for everyone.
It’s possible that Discord will be petrified like it happened in the series.
I’m just not sure whether it wouldn’t have been better to find 2 elements per arc (TeL, TeK, TeE).
As far as I know, there are only 2 elements out of 6 (Twilight and Pinkie), there is no Mane 6 as a group, there is no Nightmare Moon and therefore no Nightmare Night, which is probably called Seeking Night here.
I’m excited to see how things develop between Luna and Pinkie.
I’m not sure whether they’ll become a couple like Twilight and Rarity or whether Pinkie’s affection for Luna is more like pipsqueak’s affection for Luna in the series, i.e. as an admirer.
I also think that when Celestia and Cadanze are freed, none of the princesses will take on a ruling role again.
with the exception of Cadance, none of the princesses know the modern world.
Twilight and Luna are like Canon Luna, who have to get used to the new world first.
I can imagine an Equestria like Great Britain, with a democratic parliament but with the queen/king and the monarchy as representatives.
If I go by this story, then Twilight at least doesn’t have an important role in Equestria.
I can also say that the story is extremely good and I am a big fan of your stories.
I will probably be sad when the story ends at some point, but I think when it ends you will have set a new record.
At the moment, with 634,400 words, you already have a longer story than Fallout Equestria, which contains over 620,000 words, making it “one of the longest self-published works of derivative fiction in existence” as the wiki says.
The longest story after mlpforums is maybe “The Chase by kudzuhaiku on Fimfiction, it’s currently topping in at 1,950,126 words and 783 chapters”.
Really cute! Love the cozy life Twilight and her family have and how open they are with each other.
This is absolutely beautiful. I do kinda like the fact some of your AUs blend together and still fits perfectly. As always, well done. It’s so cute, it made my day and my day has barely started.
This is so insanely cute. I know it’s non-canon but I can tell I’m gonna hold this in my little heart for them for a while
I wonder how Twilight felt when she realized she’s finally aging… Anyways, this was beautful. This is canon in my heart.
Nothing is as wholesome as snuggling with loved ones after a nightmare. Second is your significant other vowing murder on your enemies
Beautiful stuff. Funny and sweet and oh so tender. Even if I already knew how it would end I’m still glad to be able to experience it. To let the girls be happy
Thank you Common!!! I’m glad you liked it <3