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    Injuring Eternity & Last Train Home book + EFNW + TERA updates + Colors of the Soul remake

    Hi all! Have a bunch of updates so here we GO!!! INJURING ETERNITY & LAST TRAIN HOME BOOKS Since this year marks the tenth anniversary of my first story every written for this fandom (haha! Ten years. Wow. Damn.), Ponyfeather Publishing has kindly offered to do a physical version containing not just Injuring Eternity, but it’s sequel/prequel Last Train Home! Both of them are…

    Canceling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all! I’ve already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change. The TL;DR is The Enchanted Carousel, as the continuation to The Enchanted Kingdom, is cancelled. I’ve decided I want to finish off the series, and in order to do that, I need a fresh start. The new story, The…

    State of the Mono: I Survived + Future Projects

    Hey all! I’m sitting right now at the local Hookah lounge I’ve been frequenting for about two months now, and I’m feeling like a personal blogpost. I’ve talked myself out of them for the past few months, but… I kinda want to do one now, because this IS my own personal website, so technically speaking, I’m… allowed?? I wanted to start this by saying…

    Crimson Lips is live again

    Hey all! I KNOW I KEEP TAKING THIS OFF AND ON, but because of an incident back in June, work on new Crimson has stalled a bit, and I’ve had enough new folk ask and be unable to read it that I just… I don’t care anymore for now. Crimson will stay up on this website until I’m done reworking the new story ((which…

    A Little But Positive Mono Update

    Hi all! I wanted to give everyone an update because I know some folks have been worried. I’m being brief because I should have been in bed 4 hours ago, but I stayed up late writing for the first time in… well… a long time. The news is that things are finally looking up. I’ve moved to a new place which is great for…

    Little Mono Update

    Hi everyone, Wanted to make a blogpost because enough folk have asked if everything is okay with me since I haven’t posted in a while. The short of it is things just keep happening in my personal life this year that have worn me down to nothing. Just last week a grandparent died, and that was on the back of something else happening that…

    Mario Kart Fundraising Stream 4 Mono

    Starting now!!!—- Hi everyone! Because of an oversight, my roommates and I find ourselves in a position where in July-ish we will need to pay basically double rent, which I cannot currently afford right now without basically draining all my savings and putting me and my roommates in serious jeopardy. Essentially, we need to pay rent for both our old place and a new…

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