250 Results in the "Chapters" category
- Chapter
see you in your dreams
Nightmares came for Princess Twilight Sparkle long after Discord had been defeated, waking her with a start and a gasp for air, having dreamt she was once more displaced in time. Breathe, she thought after one such nightmare, her face in her hooves evidence that her dream had been just that—a dream. She wasn’t displaced anymore. She was not trapped in a library. Discord had been defeated for over ten years now, and the peace reigning over Equestria was real. Everything was…- 2.4 K • Oneshot
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i did it for us
It was a bright sunny day when the funeral was canceled. From across the kingdom, as soon as they’d gotten the news, scholars had come to bid farewell to one of the grand library’s two custodians. A snaggle-toothed middle-aged earth pony mare with an uncanny knack for knowing exactly what book you’d like, Turnover had lovingly taken care of Canterlot Castle’s library alongside her husband, Oakewood, a unicorn stallion known for failing to uphold the no-chatter-and-shenanigans rule he…- 8.7 K • Completed
- Story
Lady Singularity
Twilight’s greatest enemy and deepest regret are one and the same.- 1.6 K • Jan 20, '25
- 2.3 K • Jan 27, '25
- 4.7 K • Jan 27, '25
- Princess Twilight had read Fritter Cobbler’s letter about thirty times or more. Sitting atop opposite bookcases, every single time I looked up from the book I was barely reading, I’d find her still staring at the worn letter, her expression indecipherable. I put my book down and folded my hands on my lap, as I did whenever I wanted to pry into her heart. “Princess?” She didn’t look up at first. “You don’t have to call me that anymore,…
- 3.6 K • Ongoing
- The first months, I truly think she had no idea what to make of me, let alone what to do about me. Honestly, I don’t think she even knew what to do with herself, whether she should stay close when I visited or leave me to my own devices, saving herself the anxiety of remembering how to have a conversation like a normal person. I’ve been here six hours, I wrote in my journal, delighted to be using the princess’ old-fashioned but elegant quills, and I’ve only spoken with the princess about…
- 3.6 K • Ongoing
- Incantation stepped away from 'Twilight', her eyes widening with fear. “She has nothing to do with this.” The words left Rarity’s mouth as unbidden as they were immediate, her only concern at that precise moment being the panicked changeling beside her. Twicord looked at the changeling. “Leave, then,” he said. Incantation, bless her soul, did no such thing, and in fact stepped closer towards Rarity—not that either of them could do anything against Discord,…
- 22.4 K • Ongoing
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babe, i did it for you
There was no one Rarity loved in the whole world more than Rainbow Dash. Granted, she was only a high schooler, and she’d hardly met most of the whole world, but she was fairly certain that, out of the many people she’d met, which were many, she loved no one more than she loved Rainbow Dash. On a separate note, Rainbow Dash was a very interesting person who—dear reader, I mean this in the best of ways—was prone to getting into situations. It was her nature, who she was, that if…- 1.1 K • Completed
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