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    • Chapter

      The Memory That Haunts

      The Memory That Haunts Cover
      by Monochromatic If Rarity had learned anything from her many experiences with painful goodbyes, it was that the faster one could get them over with, the better.  While years ago, she might have reveled in the fuss and the excitement and the poetic pang of things coming to an end, now she just wanted to avoid it all. It would be easier this way. No fuss, no hassle, departing at the crack of dawn and leaving behind nothing but a letter. Very efficient, she’d said when pitching it to Twilight.  And yet, as she…
    • Chapter

      The Hollow Shades Conspiracy

      The Hollow Shades Conspiracy Cover
      by Monochromatic For the first time in centuries, or perhaps even since its founding, the town of Hollow Shades closed its doors to visitors. Dozens and dozens of royal guards were posted around the town’s forested entrances, politely keeping outsiders out and explaining that the large domed barrier visible for miles was currently being investigated.  Thank you for understanding, they’d say. Everything is fine. Hollow Shades will be open to visitors soon.  Ordinarily, a statement of this sort would…
    • Hi all! I’ve already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change. The TL;DR is The Enchanted Carousel, as the continuation to The Enchanted Kingdom, is cancelled. I’ve decided I want to finish off the series, and in order to do that, I need a fresh start. The new story, The…

    • Story


      Nightmares Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight confides in Rarity after both wake up from different nightmares.
      MLP:FiM • hurt/comfort • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      In The Dead Of The Night

      In The Dead Of The Night Cover
      by Monochromatic It was always worse at night.
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Sad
    • Story

      Incantation’s Dilemma

      by Monochromatic When Incantation gets wind of a stallion wanting to ask her out, she has no choice but to go to Rarity and Pinkie and help her not freak out about it.
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Comedy • Slice of Life • Incantation • Pinkie Pie • Rarity
    • Hi everyone! As it turns out, our e-mail notification system has just… been having a lot of issues, so there’s a chance a bunch of you just haven’t gotten any updates in a looong time! It’s maybe fixed now so hopefully you’re reading this! I pinged every single category so we can reach as many people as we can. If you’re one of the…

    • Chapter

      ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Unusual Trial of Cinnamon Drop ~

      ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Unusual Trial of Cinnamon Drop ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Rarity, we’ve been friends for many years, have we not?” She laughed. “Three weeks hardly qualifies as many years, my dear.” He grinned. “Ah, but is time not relative? For our wonderful friendship, maybe not! But.” He frowned. “For you and Princess Twilight, I’d imagine these three weeks have felt eternal.” The warmth in her expression vanished. Quickly. “...What are you saying, North Ridge?” “I’m saying it seems you’ve taken to old bad habits. Remind me, how…
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