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      In Loving Memory

      In Loving Memory Cover
      by Monochromatic There is a bench in King’s Pike station whose beautiful green paint has been replaced with crimson rust. On this bench is a plaque commemorating a young boy found frozen to death on it about a century ago. It is the bench I listlessly sat on for hours on end the day I last saw Lady Celestia, and fittingly enough, it was the bench I sat on when Twilight Sparkle and I met for the very first time, two days before her lesson with my sister. We waited for the inner-city train, she and I, both…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Empty Cups and Empty Chairs

      Empty Cups and Empty Chairs Cover
      by Monochromatic It is rather simple to deduce what’s missing based on what’s been left behind. A second toothbrush in the bathroom of an old woman’s apartment. A baby’s bib and other such things hidden away in the closet of a quiet couple with sad eyes. A jewelry box under the bed of the local lady’s man, and a dusty engagement ring beneath it. A bracelet hanging on the doorknob of a locked door. In the few days Twilight had been living in Lady Celestia’s mansion, she had… not seen things, no,…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Celestia • Twilight
    • Chapter

      The Little Girl

      The Little Girl Cover
      by Monochromatic In the perfectly ideal world that Twilight Sparkle thought she lived in, she reached her destination without any delays or any inconveniences and was back in the mansion in less than an hour. In the world Twilight actually lived in, she got absolutely lost. She walked and walked and walked, her map effortlessly floating before her, and the more she walked, the more lost she felt. The map—a worn-out thing Flint had fetched from inside an old desk—was doing little to help, as well. Words…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Sweetie Belle • Twilight
    • Chapter

      The Mansion

      The Mansion Cover
      by Monochromatic As she stepped out of the carriage and onto the gray driveway, my dear beloved laid her eyes on Lady Celestia’s mansion for the very first time. In person, that is. She’d seen it before in photographs, and once in a fantastic illusion conjured by the Lady herself upon visiting the Sparkle family house. A mesmerizing show of sorcery and projection, and soon enough, a young girl was staring in awe at a dollhouse-sized three-dimensional building. It was the day magic and knowledge became her…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Celestia • Twilight
    • Chapter

      End’s Beginning and The Carriage that took us there

      End’s Beginning and The Carriage that took us there Cover
      by Monochromatic My lips glistened with a rather costly lipstick—my very own blood. It trickled down my mouth, down my chin and a droplet fell on her shirt. The noises around us faded from my mind. They became distant, so very distant, and all that mattered was her. Her, as she held me, and her, now stained with my life’s pulse liquefied. Her thin, weak arms of a scholar surrounded me, so different and distinct than those of the many men and women that had claimed my body before. The curtains fell. In the…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      Crimson Lips

      Crimson Lips Cover
      by Monochromatic Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Humanized • Mature Themes • RariTwi • Romance • Sex • Celestia • Luna • Main 6 • Rarity • Sunset Shimmer • Twilight
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