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    Cover of The Enchanted Kingdom
    MLP:FiMAlt. UniverseDramaRomanceDiscordLunaMain 6RarityTwilight

    The Enchanted Kingdom

    by Monochromatic

    This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Library

    It’s easy to think about fairytales when you’re an ancient alicorn trapped in a library for centuries on end. It’s easy to wonder how one would go about rescuing you, to think and devise and plot out how to free you in a blaze of glory, intrigue, adventure, and romance.

    Or, rather, it’s easy until suddenly it happens and you’re forced to ask yourself the one terrifying question you’d yet to consider.

    Now what?

    Original story inspired by an old oneshot.
    Chapter Art by Arctic Waters and lilfunkman// Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

    1. ~ Prologue ~ The Storyteller of Luna Bay ~
      3,597 Words
    2. ~ Act I ~ 01 ~ The Princess Awoken ~
      6,725 Words
    3. ~ Act I ~ 02 ~ The New Ponyville ~
      11,664 Words
    4. ~ Interlude I ~ A Near-Death Experience ~
      1,671 Words
    5. ~ Act I ~ 03 ~ The Boiling Point ~
      11,321 Words
    6. ~ Interlude II ~ Those Left Behind ~
      4,572 Words
    7. ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Ladybugs Awake ~
      7,225 Words
    8. ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Change of Perspective ~
      8,212 Words
    9. ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Breath of Truth ~
      7,038 Words
    10. ~ Act II ~ 07 ~ The Boutique of Dreams ~
      11,694 Words
    11. ~ Act II ~ 08 ~ The Dreams of Alicorns ~
      7,179 Words
    12. ~ Interlude III ~ Behind Closed Dreams ~
      1,309 Words
    13. ~ Act II ~ 09 ~ The Door to Dreams ~
      5,089 Words
    14. ~ Act II ~ 10 ~ The RariLight Connection ~
      8,655 Words
    15. ~ Act II ~ 11 ~ The Three Elementals ~
      6,303 Words
    16. ~ Act II ~ 12 ~ The Plan of Attack ~
      4,041 Words
    17. ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Unusual Trial of Cinnamon Drop ~
      10,715 Words
    18. ~ Interlude IV ~ An Old Friend ~
      2,168 Words
    19. ~ Act II ~ 14 ~ The Ethereal Archives ~
      11,830 Words
    20. ~ Act II ~ 15 ~ The Final Detail ~
      4,056 Words
    21. ~ Act II ~ 16 ~ The Seeking Night Spectacular ~
      7,678 Words
    22. ~ Act II ~ 17 ~ The Art of Falling Apart ~
      13,321 Words
    23. ~ Act II ~ 18 ~ The Star Will Aid In Her Escape ~
      12,117 Words
    24. ~ Act II ~ 19 ~ The Trapped Town ~
      8,055 Words
    25. ~ Act II ~ 20 ~ The Nightmare Night ~
      8,990 Words
    26. ~ Interlude V ~ A Quiet Moment ~
      679 Words
    27. ~ Act II ~ 21 ~ The Valiant Never Taste of Death but Once ~
      18,511 Words
    28. ~ Act II ~ 22 ~ The Filly Who Believed ~
      15,495 Words
    29. ~ Act II~ 23 ~ The Heartbound Home ~
      8,619 Words
    30. ~ Epilogue ~ A Beautiful Night ~
      2,552 Words
    1. Canceling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story: Hi all! I’ve already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change. The TL;DR is The…
    2. End of Year Drabble-A-Thon: Hi everyone! I was going to make a blogpost apologizing for not writing this year because this year was the worst of my life, and I had to basically spend a…
    3. Little Mono Update: Hi everyone, Wanted to make a blogpost because enough folk have asked if everything is okay with me since I haven’t posted in a while. The short of it is…
    4. Commissions Open: Hey all! I’m opening commissions for no other reason than I need to pay rent and doing so is much harder since I’ve made writing my job lmao If…
    5. State of the Mono 4 – E-mails Work Now Maybe???: Hi everyone! As it turns out, our e-mail notification system has just… been having a lot of issues, so there’s a chance a bunch of you just…
    6. TEL + TEK are now live on the website!: Hi, everyone! Finally, after a bajillion months, I’m stoked to announce that The Enchanted Library and The Enchanted Kingdom are finally LIVE on the…
    7. The Enchanted Kingdom – Animatic: Hi everyone! For those of you who might remember, the amazing IsaSpSp did a full animatic for Enchanted Library some time back. WELL! She just finished one…


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