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    Cover of The Enchanted Library
    MLP:FiMAdventureAlt. UniverseRomanceMain 6RarityThe CMCTwilight

    The Enchanted Library

    by Monochromatic

    Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren’t real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that’s what Rarity used to think.

    She doesn’t anymore.

    Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

    Now a physical book!!!
    Also in Russian!!
    Based on an old oneshot.
    Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

    1. ~ Act I ~ 01 ~ The Library in the Forest ~
      10,117 Words
    2. ~ Interlude I ~ A Research Log ~
      694 Words
    3. ~ Act I ~ 02 ~ The Princess in the Library ~
      7,234 Words
    4. ~ Act I ~ 03 ~ The Questions in the Labyrinth ~
      13,478 Words
    5. ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Princess Parade ~
      9,452 Words
    6. ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Dragon Library ~
      7,438 Words
    7. ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Broken Promise ~
      8,082 Words
    8. ~ Interlude II ~ A Letter to Twilight ~
      408 Words
    9. ~ Act I ~ 07 ~ The Search For Princess Booky ~
      14,980 Words
    10. ~ Act I ~ 08 ~ The Last Letter of Fritter Cobbler ~
      12,679 Words
    11. ~ Act I ~ 09 ~ The Shadow on the Wall ~
      12,005 Words
    12. ~ Act I ~ 10 ~ The Party Mare and Her Secret ~
      5,584 Words
    13. ~ Act I ~ 11 ~ The Broken Star ~
      9,889 Words
    14. ~ Act I ~ 12 ~ The Professor’s Theory ~
      8,691 Words
    15. ~ Interlude III ~ A Filly’s Dream ~
      3,718 Words
    16. ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Princess’ Request ~
      10,015 Words
    17. ~ Act II ~ 14 ~ The Missing Owl ~
      7,262 Words
    18. ~ Act II ~ 15 ~ The Kitten and the Butterfly ~
      10,343 Words
    19. ~ Interlude IV ~ An Untold Bedtime Story ~
      6,712 Words
    20. ~ Act II ~ 16 ~ The Dragon Falls ~
      8,392 Words
    21. ~ Act II ~ 17 ~ The Dragon Thief ~
      8,661 Words
    22. ~ Act II ~ 18 ~ The Dragon Sacrifice ~
      10,994 Words
    23. ~ Act II ~ 19 ~ The Promise Of A Future Meeting ~
      8,174 Words
    24. ~ Act II ~ 20 ~ The Wrangled Maze ~
      9,958 Words
    25. ~ Act II ~ 21 ~ The Checklist Conversation ~
      5,601 Words
    26. ~ Act II ~ 22 ~ The Secret of Heart’s Haven ~
      9,720 Words
    27. ~ Act II ~ 23 ~ The Library’s Revelations ~
      7,434 Words
    28. ~ Interlude V ~ A Filly’s Nightmare ~
      3,610 Words
    29. ~ Act II ~ 24 ~ The Light of the Library ~
      8,774 Words
    30. ~ Act III ~ 25 ~ The Old Castle’s Secret ~
      9,437 Words
    31. ~ Act III ~ 26 ~ The Legacy From Long Ago ~
      5,580 Words
    32. ~ Act III ~ 27 ~ The Princess’s Last Letter ~
      8,934 Words
    33. ~ Interlude VI ~ A Vision I ~
      415 Words
    34. ~ Act III ~ 28 ~ The Three Stallions ~
      10,487 Words
    35. ~ Interlude VII ~ A Vision II ~
      890 Words
    36. ~ Act III ~ 29 ~ The Longest Night ~
      15,129 Words
    37. ~ Interlude VIII ~ A Better Future ~
      600 Words
    38. ~ Act III ~ 30 ~ The Magic of Hollow Shades ~
      6,148 Words
    39. ~ Act III ~ 31 ~ The Tale of the Four Princesses ~
      7,506 Words
    40. ~ Interlude IX ~ An Enchanted Library ~
      4,061 Words
    41. ~ Act III ~ 32 ~ The Curse of the Everfree ~
      10,585 Words
    42. ~ Act III ~ 33 ~ The Shared Memories ~
      9,082 Words
    43. ~ Act III ~ 34 ~ The Return to Canterlot Castle ~
      6,411 Words
    44. ~ Act III ~ 35 ~ The Last Seeking Night ~
      5,889 Words
    45. ~ Act III ~ 36 ~ The Seamstress in the Library ~
      9,119 Words
    46. ~ ??? ~ A Long Wait ~ End of Book I ~
      1,612 Words
    1. Canceling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story: Hi all! I’ve already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change. The TL;DR is The…
    2. State of the Mono: I Survived + Future Projects: Hey all! I’m sitting right now at the local Hookah lounge I’ve been frequenting for about two months now, and I’m feeling like a personal…
    3. End of Year Drabble-A-Thon: Hi everyone! I was going to make a blogpost apologizing for not writing this year because this year was the worst of my life, and I had to basically spend a…
    4. Little Mono Update: Hi everyone, Wanted to make a blogpost because enough folk have asked if everything is okay with me since I haven’t posted in a while. The short of it is…
    5. Commissions Open: Hey all! I’m opening commissions for no other reason than I need to pay rent and doing so is much harder since I’ve made writing my job lmao If…
    6. State of the Mono 4 – E-mails Work Now Maybe???: Hi everyone! As it turns out, our e-mail notification system has just… been having a lot of issues, so there’s a chance a bunch of you just…
    7. State of the Mono 2 + EFNW: Hi everyone! First I wanted to say thank you to everyone who reached out during my last blogpost. I haven’t been able to reply to everyone, but know I…
    8. State of the Mono + Story/Tec Updates: Hi everyone! I was on the fence about writing this, but enough people have asked here or on Twitter about my lack of activity, so I thought I should try and…
    9. The Enchanted Library PFP Edition Photos!!: The proofs for the TEL books finally came in, and they look GREAT!!! Can’t wait for peeps to be able to hOLD THEM TOO!!!!! Covers were done by lilfunkman…
    10. Everfree Northwest 2022 – Book Stock Form: Hi everyone! It’s been a while, mostly because my life has been complicated for the past few months (I’ve moved to a different place, people have…


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