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    • Chapter

      The Musings of…

      The Musings of… Cover
      by Monochromatic Sitting by a hallway window in Canterlot Castle, Starswirl the Bearded watched life pass him by. Hearth’s Warming Eve was very different now than it was back then, before his thousand year long self-exile. A small celebration meant to honor the recent unification of pony races was now a kingdom-wide event where the holiday’s history did not matter quite as much as how many presents one received. “Quickly now! It’s already night-time! The feast won’t be ready!” cried a cook, rushing past…
      MLP:FiM • Slice of Life • Celestia • Luna • Starswirl
    • Story

      An Old Fool

      An Old Fool Cover
      by Monochromatic As Starswirl the Bearded ponders what stayed and what was forgotten on Hearth’s Warming Eve following his disappearance, he finds that his two pupils might have forgotten him.
      MLP:FiM • Slice of Life • Celestia • Luna • Starswirl
    • Chapter

      For Alex_

      For Alex_ Cover
      by Monochromatic Once upon a time, the princess of the night loved Hearth’s Warming eve, partaking in the many festivities and pastries. It was the holiday where she shone, where events went on long past midnight, and her subjects for once stayed up with her, laughing and dancing and celebrating. Then she became Nightmare Moon. Then Equestria was told for a thousand years that she was a dastardly, evil pony bent on bringing night-everlasting (which, granted, she was, but still). Then she came back, but ponies no…
      MLP:FiM • Slice of Life • Daring Do • Luna
    • Story

      A Heartwarming Meeting

      A Heartwarming Meeting Cover
      by Monochromatic An unpleasant Hearth’s Warming Eve takes a turn for the newly returned Princess Luna when an unexpected fan reminds her that there’s much more to her than Nightmare Moon.
      MLP:FiM • Slice of Life • Daring Do • Luna
    • Story

      A Thousand Words of Noise

      A Thousand Words of Noise Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight didn’t know what to say. How easy it sounded, to just not think about things that hurt, but thoughts were all she had. Thoughts were the only thing that were hers, for better or worse.
      MLP:FiM • Sad • Slice of Life • Luna • Main 6 • Spike • Twilight
    • Chapter


      Episodes Cover
      by Monochromatic “Do you think relationships matter?” The question floated into the air like a feather on the breeze. Floating, and floating, and floating and hoping to land somewhere that made sense. Twilight’s eyes followed the invisible query, her back on the bed and her friend’s chin on her stomach. Did things ever matter, she wondered. “What?” asked Pinkie, a frown marring her face. “What’d you mean?” “I don’t know,” said Twilight. It was just a thought, she thinks a second…
      MLP:FiM • Sad • Slice of Life • Luna • Main 6 • Spike • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Come What May

      Come What May Cover
      by Monochromatic No power on Earth could stop me. The carriage rushed through the city streets, the poor horses galloping for their lives and mine. I had to see her. I had to see her and somehow set things… not right, I suppose, but straight. Clear the air, and perhaps, if the Gods were good, hope for something more. Whereas Rainbow Dash was outside the carriage, flying beside the horses, Lady Luna and I were seated inside, the two of us silent as we sat directly across from each other. “How are you…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Celestia • Fluttershy • Luna • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      The Price Of A Mistake

      The Price Of A Mistake Cover
      by Monochromatic Endings are difficult, aren’t they? They are perhaps the hardest part of anything ever done. Ending. Finishing. And why? Because endings can make or break a tale. They can determine if you’ll look back with fond memories, happy to have seen the journey through, or if you’ll look back with bitter disappointment, thinking to yourself that you wasted your time. I wonder, perhaps, if that’s why I lied to you earlier on. Do you remember? I sat before you one day—if days even exist in a place…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Fluttershy • Luna • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Shimmer Glass • Twilight
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