24 Results with character "Fluttershy"
- Story
Hurt Fillings
The gang take Rainbow Dash to the park, but it’s not the park. It’s the dentist!- 837 • Apr 12, '23
- Story
Forget Me Not
Twilight realizes it’s March and she missed Hearts and Hooves day and that’s why Rarity has been acting odd for weeks.- 2.7 K • Mar 9, '22
- Chapter
5. Kill Me Twice, Darling
Everything was perfect — this was Twilight’s all-consuming thought as she and Rarity exited the theatre room. For the first time in forever, Ponyville’s princess felt utterly and blissfully happy. Everything was going along so great, in fact, that she almost felt worried about how everything was going too perfectly. There had to be a catch. There always was. Of course, she was far too busy enjoying herself to dwell on what this ‘catch’ could be. When they entered the…- 46.6 K • Oneshot
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Part II
“That’s your commoner attire?” Standing inside the empty West Wing, Rarity chose to ignore the pegasus’s comment. Personally, she found nothing wrong with Twilight’s beautiful black silk cloak, a present Rarity had gotten her during their last trip to Saddle Arabia. The garment was simply divine, boasting several hoof-stitched white patterns depicting several constellations, and the bottom of the cloak itself was decorated with several small sapphires. Twilight, ungrateful as she was,…- 15.9 K • Completed
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Part I
Princess Rarity was planning the single most important birthday in all of the soon-to-be-hers kingdom of Equestria. No, it wasn’t her own birthday, for her own birthday would never ever ever be planned by her. It would be planned by the entire kingdom, would be attended by the entire kingdom, and would be the talk of the entire kingdom. Twilight Sparkle’s birthday, however, could not be interrupted by the entire kingdom. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel every mare, stallion, colt, and filly should…- 15.9 K • Completed
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